
Showing posts from May, 2020

Rainy Day

It is raining this morning so I can't work in the yard. That means I have some time to post pictures of the work we've done in the past 2 weeks. Last week we worked on getting rid of the grass between the sidewalk and the street. In the small section we planted some native sedum. In the larger section we just put down cardboard and covered it with leaf mulch. We will plant some sedum there in the fall of next spring. We also planted pineapple sage, sunflowers, and marigolds in the some of the raised beds. We also put some marigolds by the tomatoes. My wife had bought the sunflower and marigold seeds for an Earth Day project at school and didn't want them to go to waste. We found a little snake friend in our compost bin. The dogwood tree that we planted last year is just about done blooming. The front hostas are starting to come up as well. On Saturday, I tilled parts of the side yard so that we could plant cucumbers, corn, and beans. This used up mo