Origin Story

Last year, we decided to convert our side yard into a vegetable garden. The kids used to play there but they are too old to play in the yard now. This is what it looked like last September.

A bunch of grass is kind of wasteful but I did my part by not watering it or fertilizing it.

In February, I started breaking ground (literally) on the new garden.

This took a while to do. Breaking up the grass is a lot of work even with the tiller. The soil in this part of our yard is not very good. It has a lot of clay in it. I added leaf mulch to it to try and improve it.

On Saturday, We planted the first bed. It has dinosaur kale, bok choy, spinach, lettuce, beets, radishes, and carrots. Yesterday we added a second bed with cauliflower, kohlrabi, dill, onions, and potatoes. I've not had much luck with potatoes in the past. I only planted these because we had some potatoes that started sprouting and I figured I had nothing to lose. Today we added 6 strawberry plants.

The pile of dirt is from our compost bin that I haven't tilled in yet. Later we plan to plant green beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, and corn.


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